Family | Individual | Children | Couples | Senior & Graduate | Engagement | Newborn | Maternity | Pet | Headshot | More
All of my packages are based on my regular hourly rate and include items from my standard à la carte price list. These packages represent a reference or starting point for your convenience that you can modify to fit your needs.
Once your session is completed you will have the option of (either or both)
1: Register an account on this site to gain access to a gallery of all the photos taken, that you may review prior to buying prints & products.
2: Schedule a "Post-Session" consultation to meet with me in person and review photos together, prior to buying prints & products.
Schedule a free 30 minute pre-consultation
No obligation to book and you will receive a personalized quote!
With all portrait sessions I provide a free 30 minute Pre-Consultation. This time is meant for us to discuss the goals of your session, what you hope to achieve, and review initial pricing information.